Engine Air Filters

Engine Air Filter for International LT Trucks Replaces 2515573C1


Engine Air Filter for International LT Trucks Replaces 2515573C1

Engine Air Filter for Freightliner Trucks Replaces P537448


Engine Air Filter for Freightliner Trucks Replaces P537448

Engine Air Filter Replaces PA30073


Engine Air Filter Replaces PA30073

Engine Air Filter Replaces PA2731


Engine Air Filter Replaces PA2731

Engine Air Filters

The air taken from the atmosphere is the main operating factor of every internal combustion engine with a propulsion unit in motor vehicles, work machines, airplanes, and helicopters. Combustion engines absorb various pollutants with air. Mineral dust, which is raised several meters above the ground by the movement of vehicles or by the wind, is a common harmful air pollutant for powered technical equipment. Engine Air filters hold this mass of dust, give the engine the clean air necessary for combustion and protect the engine against wear. Single-stage engine air filters with panel filters made of pleated filter paper are used in inlet air filtration systems in modern passenger car engines. Trucks, heavy vehicles, and other vehicles operated in high dust concentration conditions are usually equipped with two-stage filtration systems. First stage inertial filter (pre-filtration), where larger particles are retained; The second filtration stage is the cylindrical porous panel filter made of pleated filter paper. It performs the final filtration process and provides clean air to the combustion chamber and protects the engine and its components against wear. An important task is to provide the engine cylinders with air of suitable quality (cleanliness) to minimize the wear of engine components. Another task of the intake system is to dampen the noise of the combustion process in the engine and increase engine power. A properly designed engine air filter reduces the dust concentration in the engine intake air to an acceptable level, has low restriction, reduces engine noise, is not a source of flow noise, and has high operating reliability. It should be simple, small, inexpensive, and easy to service. The engine air filter is the breathing system of the engine. When they become clogged, the air quality to the engine is affected. For this reason, it leads to inefficient combustion of the fuel. Replacing the engine air filter is recommended if it has become very dirty and restrictive. The vehicle often shows poor performance, increased emissions, and other symptoms. The engine air filter should be replaced as soon as these symptoms are noticed. Car sounds can be caused by different components. A dirty engine air filter is one of them. When your vehicle is performing normally when moving and the engine is started, there should be smooth running with barely noticeable vibrations. If vibrations are unusually loud, it could mean a bad engine air filter. It is also an indication if there are sounds like small explosions.